APOGEPHA: your partner in urology
Innovation, quality and reliability: APOGEPHA offers patients and doctors the best possible solutions for treating urological and oncological diseases.
APOGEPHA – it's easy here...
Take a walk through Dresden and find out more about us, our services and our passion for urology.
Our values: this is what we stand for
As a family-owned business, APOGEPHA stands for continuous corporate development and sustainability. Responsibility, reliability and quality, as well as trusting cooperation, are what shape our values.
We work together in a performance-oriented environment with commitment and passion. We believe that tradition and innovation go hand in hand, and focus on the well-being of our patients.
The health of our patients and improvement in their quality of life are the key motivating forces of our activity. We consider this our social responsibility. We see ourselves not only as a provider of high-quality medicines and services, but also as a partner to doctors, chemists and patients. The trust they place in us is the basis of this cooperation and commitment alike.
We set high standards for ourselves and our work and for the quality and safety of our products. These are therefore manufactured at production sites in Germany and Europe. Our quality management ensures a high and internationally recognised quality level.
As a specialist in urology, we offer high-quality products and services, as well as a comprehensive range of services in this therapeutic field. Our aim is to make a valuable contribution in the field of urology and to optimise treatment options. The needs of patients are an incentive for us. They are the basis for the further development of our products and services. Here, close cooperation with doctors, chemists and patients is very important to us.
In short: in the field of urology, you can count on us completely.
APOGEPHA Arzneimittel GmbH is fully owned by the Starke family and operates as an economically independent company. The commitment and interests of the owner family guarantee sustainable corporate development – this is important to us.
Get to know our management
"With high-quality products and scientific service, we want to make a valuable contribution to health, sustainably and in partnership. Responsibility, customer focus and quality are our success factors as a family business and partner in urology."
Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Pamperin, Chairman of the Management Board
![[Translate to English:] Foto von Dr. Dirk Pamperin, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung bei APOGEPHA.](/fileadmin/apogepha/unternehmen/csm_gf-pamperin_01_3e5d39957e.png)
"I put people first. Maintaining their health and improving it when they are ill is what drives me."
Dr. vet. med. Alexandra Pries, Managing Director Marketing and Sales
![[Translate to English:] Foto von Dr. Alexandra Pries, Geschäftsführerin Marketing und Vertrieb bei APOGEPHA.](/fileadmin/apogepha/unternehmen/csm_gf-pries_01_b0eac2fb2f.png)
"Digitalisation will transform the healthcare sector in the coming years. It has great potential for patients, service providers and top performers. We want to play our part in it."
Andreas Ott, Managing Director Finance and Controlling
![[Translate to English:] Foto von Andreas Ott, Geschäftsführer Finanzen und Controlling bei APOGEPHA.](/fileadmin/apogepha/unternehmen/csm_gf-ott_01_9e1aac39ab.png)